Turbocharge your career search

Uncover the career you’ll love with our free tests.

Illustration of student deciding their career

Empowering Emerging Talent

Undergraduates and recent graduates from across the UK and around the world have already taken our Career Test to discover their perfect career.

You’ll receive a free personalised Report with:

The top ten careers that are the best fit for you

An analysis of where you stand compared to others

Personalised advice on how to succeed

Unlike lots of other Career Tests out there – including some you may have taken at school! – ours is hyper-personalised, relevant and future-focused.

In short, it’s actually good.

University students chatting

What They’re Saying

“The Report showed me where I currently am in terms of my goals and provided detailed advice on how to move forward efficiently.”

“It’s helpful because it gave me new career ideas and a fresh burst of inspiration and awareness. Thanks!”
Recent graduate


4.5 Rating 77 Reviews

Meet CareerProof

Our mission is to support you to build a career that is successful, socially impactful, and makes you happy.

Never before has emerging talent like you had so many career options at their feet. The choice can be overwhelming, and there’s also a fear: what if I’m missing out on opportunities I don’t know about?

We’ve built CareerProof to do two things – to give you the most comprehensive (free!) career report out there, and to show you the careers which are the best fit for your skills and passions. And to follow up with resources and information about jobs tailored just for you.

Let’s GO!

Ready to Discover Your Future?